What exactly is a forest bath?

Japanese people engage in a ritual known as “forest bathing,” which aims to promote health by fostering a bond with nature, particularly the forests.

This activity is also known as “nature bathing” in Chile, and it frequently includes Grounding or becoming barefooted on the ground. The indigenous people of Chile also share this harmonious relationship, which is shown in their perspective on the Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the ukulele Mapu.

The practice of “forest bathing” is supported by research showing that forests, particularly select trees, enhance our physical and mental health. They expel phytoncides, which enter people’s bodies through the skin and lungs and shield trees from germs, insects, and fungi.

Phytocides aid people by killing pathogenic bacteria, preventing their growth, and boosting the number of cells that fight infectious diseases. Additionally, they lower the amounts of stress hormones and anxiety symptoms, including rage, exhaustion, and confusion. They also stabilize blood pressure and heart rate.

Chilean locations where you can attempt woodland bathing

Chile protected one hundred five natural areas (41 National Parks, 46 National Reserves, and 18 Natural Monuments). As you take care of our ecology, we want you to enjoy having a forest bath there.

Ask the park ranger which zones you can participate in the experience before you begin. Although we adore our trees, some centuries-old species can be harmed by hugs (causing bark cracking, for instance). Therefore we encourage you to fill yourself with their energy while also looking out for their wellbeing.

Forest bathing

Keep in mind that this activity aims to reconnect you with nature before you begin. We advise you to follow these guidelines for this.

Identify a landmark. Be sure to constantly have reference points on going to the starting place during the experience because you can get lost.

Even though the point is to disconnect, keep your phone nearby, just in case. You can mute it or turn it off so you won’t be distracted while taking a bath.

Try to put your watch, camera, and any other item you usually use away during the exercise. You’ll feel more connected to nature as a result.

Lastly, dress comfortably and loosely, and don’t stress about timing; go with the flow.

Let’s begin woodland bathing now that everything is ready!


It would help if you breathed deliberately before beginning Shinrin Yoku. You can efficiently live in the phytoncides, oxygenate your body, and unwind.


Move slowly until you come across a location that appeals to you while staying connected to your breath. Use your senses to make yourself aware of your environment. Enjoy your body’s feelings as well as the wind and smells. There are other sources of energy besides trees! Pay attention to anything that catches your eye, including moss and insects.

Reflection and relationship

Continue your slow walk while keeping your senses alert. We advise you to bring a piece of nature, such as a branch, some leaves, or some uncut flowers—even a stone.

Find a peaceful spot to sit or pause to strengthen your connection with nature. Keep your intention in mind and try to live in the moment.

Do not be alarmed or worried if your emotions take over throughout the experience because there is frequently an emotional, spiritual, mental, and bodily connection with nature. Until you feel relaxed, allow yourself to follow your feelings.

You can also use your imagination freely. Sing, dance, and express yourself artistically here. Always remember not to leave any garbage behind and take all your supplies if you are carrying pencils or other tools to make a piece.